
When it’s the outside that counts

VBG’s products are given a surface finish of the absolute highest class, and they satisfy the toughest corrosion requirements of the automotive industry. This prolongs the service life of the products significantly, thereby contributing to a lower total cost of ownership. And they retain their high-quality finish year after year.

VBG’s surface finishing process

The geometry of the component in relation to the surface finishing is factored in as early as the design stage. After the component is manufactured, surface finishing is carried out through a carefully monitored and controlled multi-stage process.

VBG mekanisk behandling

1. Mechanical pre-treatment

During mechanical pre-treatment, the product is blasted with steel shots to remove oxides from laser cutting and other impurities, such as those that arise from welding. This creates the right conditions for the next stage – chemical pre-treatment.

VBG Kemisk behandling

2. Chemical pre-treatment

Chemical pre-treatment is carried out by means of an extensive process involving 10 stages. During this process, the product is cleaned and its surface is transformed through zinc manganese phosphatising. This results in protection against corrosion and facilitates the adhesion of paint.

VBG ytbehandling

3. Cathodic E-coat

E-coat – the first stage of coating – is the end of the pre-treatment process and protects the finishing, and provides another level of corrosion protection. This creates the perfect foundation for a topcoat

VBG pulverlackering

4. Powder coating – Finishing

A powder-like topcoat is applied via friction loading, and then cured in a furnace. This produces a hard, durable and chip-resistant surface that will last for many years to come.